Sunday, March 21, 2010
ADSR #12

Meowy Christmas ADSR #11

Using:Chelly Oliveira Designs/Precious Christmas KitAlpha: MSD/Butterfly Kisses Kit
Monday, March 15, 2010
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Challenge #11 is at Polka Dot Plum
Saturday, March 13, 2010
Old Cat ADSR #9

1. bead swirls/Digital Compilations by Cinda: Festival Fractals (had no idea this was her first little kit that she used in her #9 challenge--how funny is that) 2.(+paint)3 Glitter paint splats by unknown3. 2 alphas: Michelle Batton (flair alpha)/Ariane Rezende (sweet alpha)4. patterned paper: 4SB (artful mess and basic colors)5. B/W photo6. metal clip: SP(Happy go Lucky)7. Stitching: SP(Happy go Lucky)8/9. funky font and journaling. just played around with the arrangement of the journaling
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Our inspiration
Challenge #10 is at Inspiration-Lane
This is an intersection challenge, so both racers must work on a single layout
We are all about inspiration around here - we strive to inspire you to create the best pages you can with forum challenges, blog challenges, freebies, wishes, ... so we want to know....
What inspires your inner artist?
It can be anything from kids to hubbys to other people in your lives to places you've been/live/work... you get the idea we want to see what inspires you in your life! (it does not have to be scrap-related!)
Your layout must include 2 photos - 1 photo from each racer - that show what inspires each of you in your lives
That's it! no other requirements, just let the inspiration flow.
Sunday, March 7, 2010
Challenge #9 is up at Oscraps

The second step is incorporate this quote in some way.
“Creativity is inventing, experimenting, growing, taking risks, breaking rules, making mistakes, and having fun.” - Mary Lou Cook
You can use any part of this quote as your inspiration. For example, you could make a layout about growing. You could make a layout about breaking the rules, etc. You can use any part of the quotes or words from the quote. The quote itself does NOT have to appear on your page.
The third step is to include the following:
You MUST include paint. This item is mandatory.
Then, pick 7 more from this list:
black and white photo
2 alphas
something metal
patterned paper
funky font
Please note that an item does NOT count for more than one category. So, for example, if you were to use a glitter swirl, it would either count for swirls OR glitter, NOT for both. You MUST have different pieces for each of your seven mandatory items. Also, if you decide not to use a black and white photo, that's fine, you can still use color photo(s) or no photo. You can use anything else that you want on your layout as long as you meet the mandatory requirements.
ADSR # 7 and 8

What a funny thing.....I finished my challenge 7 with the exact set up that was asked for in challenge 8. I figured why not just use what I had. I should get moving on some of that list anyway. Using: Dielle Designs/Berries and Butterflies kit3 different butterflieslots of daisieswooden bucketstrawberriesblueberrylots of beads3 different ribbonsArrow (from PSE5 elements)
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Challenge #8 is up at Elemental Scraps
We've all said "someday...". Whether it's "someday, I'm going to get this filing cabinet cleared" or "someday, I'm going to find happiness" or anything in between. So, we want to see your "someday".
In order to allow as much creative license as possible, we have very few stipulations about what you need to use on your layout, but of course there are a few.

- Your layout must contain journaling. Whether you choose for it to be 1 line of journaling, or an entire page of journaling, is up to you.
- Somewhere in your journaling or title it must say "someday". If you want to make the title 'Someday', that's fine. If you would rather make your title something else completely and just mention 'someday' in the journaling, that works too. Even if you happen to have a 'someday' word art you want to use, that's fine as well! As long as we can see 'someday' on your page somewhere, it counts!
- We love elements here at Elemental Scraps, so of course we would love to see some on your page. At least 10 of them! But, use your creativity! If you want to use 10 pieces of ribbon and no other elements, that's fine! If you pick one button, 3 staples, 2 flowers, 3 ribbons and a frame, that works too. If in doubt, feel free to add more.
- I am currently obsessed with tone on tone papers. So, I'd like the background of your page to be a tone on tone patterned paper. If you don't have any tone on tone papers in your stash, you can use the one below. Otherwise, tone on tone paper you already have will work.
**Alphas with elements as part of their design, ie. a staple or a stitch, do not count toward the 10. Neither do the items in a pre-made cluster. If you add a flower that has a button and a stitch built into it, that is 1 item. If YOU build a flower with a button and stitch by adding all 3 items to the page, then it counts as 3. Only items that you physically add to the page count toward the 10 required elements. Pre-constructed items and clusters count as one item. If it's one .png file, it's one item. If it's 2 .png files, it's 2 items. And so on. Papers do not count toward the 10, even if it's a shaped paper mat. Journaling spots or frames made of paper, however, do. Remember, it's a minimum of 10, so if you are in doubt, you can always add more!**
**The journaling and title must be 2 separate items. A multi-word title can not be counted as journaling, and the journaling can not be considered the title.**
**We would prefer to see a photo, but if you're moved to do a journaling only layout with no photo, that's ok too! However you want to handle the photo situation is ok by us.**
**You do not have to use ES products on your layout - but of course we'd love it if you did!**
**Tone on tone paper means any paper with the background and the pattern being 2 shades of the same color. Dark purple base with light purple damask. Light blue base with dark blue dots. Kraft base with brown dots. And so on. See our example paper for a good idea of what we mean, and if it's still not clear, feel free to use ours.**
**Your background must be visible and clearly "the background". Obviously you can have stuff on top of it, so long as we can still see that it's the paper you used as the base for your layout. Feel free to layer stuff on top of it, just don't obscure it completely and you're good!**
**If you are using our paper for your base, you are free to recolor it to match your layout, provided it maintains it's tone on tone appearance and the pattern is still visible.**
That's it! We truly hope you put your own spin on this challenge and think of what "someday" means to you. It can be funny or serious, traditional or artsy, just be YOU! We can't wait to see what you create!
Monday, March 1, 2010
#7 The Bucket List
When making your list, please keep your items realistic, things you could actually do, achieve and cross-off your list. For instance, we would all love to win the Lottery, but we have no real control over or means to ensure we are the winner, so it's not a feasible goal. Your items can be small, outrageous, bizarre, modest.. just make sure you have at least 50 of them!
Friday, February 26, 2010
ADSR #5 My M&M Tree

Thursday, February 25, 2010
Challenge #6 Layout
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Challenge #6 is up at Scrappity-Doo-Dah
Are you ready for this challenge? It's easy-peasy, NOT!
Theme: Scrap Yourself!
1. Select 2 papers, solid/solid, solid/pattern, pattern/pattern.
2. Lay your first paper so that if covers the entire workspace.
3. Take the second paper insert it into your LO and decrease the size so that the paper is slightly smaller than the bottom layer.
4. Shadow the top layer.
5. Select a photo of you when you were younger and another one of you taken within the past year.
6. Photos should be 4 x 6. They can be vertical or horizontal. They can be color, sepia, or black/white.
7. Place the younger version of you in the top right quadrant of your layout.
8. Frame it.
9. Place the most recent photo of you in the lower right hand quadrant of your layout.
10. Frame it.
11. Select the following number of elements and cluster the areas around these photos.
Buttons - 4
Flowers - 4
Leaf//Leaves - 2
Heart shapes - 2
String / Twine - 2
Glitter/Bling - 2 (If you have glitter on a flower or other element, you can not count it towards your glitter/bling requirement)
Metals - 4 (this can be staples, keys, brads etc... it must be obvious)
Ribbon - 2
Flourishes - 2
12. Type up 10 words to describe yourself. They can be in any font, as long as its legible, and would prefer they be positives about you.
13. Tuck these words near your clustering -- they must be visible and not hidden by elements.
14. Insert the following Title, anywhere on your layout : This one is for me!
Monday, February 22, 2010
Loved More Than Chocolate
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Challenge #5 is up at Pretty Scrappy
The requirements for this challenge are fairly simple. Follow the guidelines being as creative as possible using the recipe below. You can incorporate other items into your layout, but you must use at least 6 of the items listed. Since this is the month of Valentine's Day, your special challenge is to incorporate CHOCOLATE into your layout. So, 6 items in the recipe and chocolate!
* 1 ribbon * 1 tree
* 1 button * 1 staple
* 2 papers * 1 set of stitching
* 1 frame * 1 tag
* 1 flower * 1 alpha
Saturday, February 20, 2010
ADSR #3 Race Boy

Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Challenge #4 is up at Digitals
ATC's 1 & 2. Since its the season of love, each racer will make one Artist Trading Card on the theme "The One I Love." Think of your spouse or significant other, children, God, pets, friends, etc.
ATC's 3 & 4. Then each racer will make one trading card honoring their ADSR teammate.
You must upload all 4 cards in ONE combined preview image to the ADSR forum at NDISB:
And we would love to see them here in our Digitals ATC gallery as well:
Artist Trading Cards (ATCs) are 3.5" x 2.5" mini-layouts. They can be horizontal or vertical orientation. They are meant to be light-hearted, humorous, and often have an altered look. They often have a partial picture and a small amount of text, the rest is decorative. Have fun with it!
There are no specific elements, journaling or photo requirements.
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Challenge #3 - Selective Color
Challenge #3 is up at Scrappers Online
So I am sure it will come as no surprise to you then that learning is part of what our challenge is all about.
We would like you to do a layout that includes selective colouring. We have two tutorials here, Selective Colouring in Photoshop, and Selective Coloring in Paint Shop Pro. Not that you are required to use these techniques, feel free to selectively colour any way you see fit. Our requirement is that your layout has a focal photo, and that photo has some selective colouring in it.
We would also like to see some journaling. Scrapbooking is about sharing experiences, and we'd like to hear a little about those experiences. So we ask that you include some journaling, at least 20 words worth. And no, captions, titles or dates don't count towards your 20 words. Let's have some fun with the journaling, playing with colour to highlight, or using tags or something to give selective emphasis to your journaling. Just put a selective focus on a couple of your journaling words in some way. Be creative!
Speaking of dates, we want to see them. Half a century from now, when I'm long gone, I'd like people be able to look at my layouts and know at least when stuff happened. We've already covered the "what" with journaling, let's tell the whole story! And not just typing the date somewhere on the page ... we know you all are closet date element hoarders out there, lets see some of those fun and funky elements! Show us when the event was, when you journaled, share a date or two with us!
All layouts must of course be posted at NDISB challenge #3 gallery, but we ask that you also post a copy of your layout here in our ADSR 5 Gallery on our Challenge Wall.
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Challenge #2 - Five Things

ADSR #2 I Love My Job

Challenge #2 is up at Digital Scrapbook Artisan Guild
Title: use a combination of 5 fonts and/or alphas (example: use 2 different fonts and 3 different alphas)
Photos: use 5 photos, one of the photos must have the number 5 in it!
Use 5 different elements of the same type (example: use 5 different flowers or 5 different buttons, etc.)
Monday, February 8, 2010
Cinda--for 1st challenge

Sunday, February 7, 2010
Challenge #1 Kay of KC and the Sonshine

First Challenge Hosted by NDISB
There are only three basic rules:
1) Your layout is about your partner. Introduce your partner to us. How you do this is entirely up to you. You can interview them, you can send them a questionnaire, you can use 5 words that best describe them, you can journal how you met for this race, or if you've been partners for years, you can make your page about a friendship that started with a crazy internet race and has since turned into so much more. The only rule is, the layout is about your partner and you need to tell us something about them.
2) You must include at least one photo of your partner. Large, small, color, b&w, of their face, back of their head, feet, whatever. But it must be a picture of your partner.
3) You must choose one layout from your partner's gallery and scraplift that as the page design for your layout. Only the placement of items is needed. You don't have to lift the colors, theme, etc. Just the overall placement of papers, elements, title and journaling.
Upload your completed layout to your NDISB gallery and link us to your partner's layout in whatever gallery you found it.
Saturday, February 6, 2010
Race Hosts
Scrappers Online
Inspiration Lane
Aimee Asher
Scrap Orchard
Pretty Scrappy
Elemental Scraps
Digital Scrapbook Artisan Guild
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Thanks Cinda
Cannot wait to get started.